Things To Know About Toddler Thumb Sucking

Your baby or toddler is sucking his thumb, should you be concerned?  Toddlers typically suck their thumb when they are feeling tired, sleepy, overwhelmed, or simply relaxed.  My toddler has been sucking his thumb since he was in my womb.  As soon as he sits on my lap in goes his thumb and the cuddles begin.

Should you be concerned?

One thing you need to know about toddler thumb sucking is that it’s something you should not worry about.  Thumb sucking helps them feel relaxed, it’s self-soothing.  While some children have pacifiers, blankets, or favorite stuffed animals, your little one relies on his thumb for comfort.  Attempting to pull their thumb out is like taking a lovey away from them.  In this case, the lovey is their thumb.  A while ago I spoke to my children’s pediatrician about my toddler’s thumb sucking habit.  She said not to worry about his habit and said it’s something that he’ll eventually outgrow.  Her suggestion was to simply let him do it, not to force him to stop.  There are countless remedies you can try, but the best option is to just let them do it.

Thinks you can do

-Keep those little hand busy and occupied.  Encourage play that requires him to use his hands.

-My children’s pediatrician suggested talking to your toddler about germs, even seeing videos on how germs spread once they get to an age they can understand the spread of germs a little better.

-Don’t point out when they’re sucking their thumb, instead praise them when you see they don’t suck their thumb.  This could be falling asleep without sucking their thumb or not sucking their thumb throughout the day.

-Offer special treats when the thumb sucking decreases, this could include stickers or a backyard picnic.

-Don’t force thumb sucking to stop, there will come an age when they outgrow it.  Remember that you can always talk to your pediatrician if you have any concerns.

My toddler is only two, but once he understands the concept of germs and how they spread, I’ll show him this video.  It’s a great video that teaches preschoolers about germs and the importance of washing their hands.



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